Page name: The Tower Of Seletar [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-04-04 09:14:28
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Done by [Willow Rose]




In a great and ancient forest, in the middle of a clearing, is a large tower made of gems that shine with an inner light, with an enchantment of protection upon it.The inhabitants wear blue robes with arcane runes on the hem.This is the Tower of Seletar.

NOTE! This section must be looked at by new players!
~~Guide to the Tower of Seletar~~

~~The Rules of Seletar~~

~~The Seletar Story~~

~~Seletar Races~~

~~Different Classes~~

~~Deities of Seletar~~

~~Tower of Seletar's Player List~~

add your character's name @ that link.

~~Seletar Notices:~~

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~~Semedia: Dragon Knights~~

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~RP Rooms:~

The Hall of Seletar
The Grounds of Seletar
The City of Dowen
The Woods of Semedia
Claw Rift Mountains
Semedia: Dragon Knights
The Northern Caves
The Cursed Woods of Admore


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2007-09-05 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: I sorta don't, it gets complicated but that's about it. I say just give an energy number and an effect limit for skills.

2007-09-05 [Xeroh Kanoe]: ^^ See ya got your first kill Kuzima.

2007-09-05 [Lirerial]: hmmmm...sounds kinda complicated..sry I'll give it a try though^^ (got my internet back up)

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: what problems Remnant?

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: ppl will serpass their limit. they ill go beyond what they should, ppl will get mad. it allways happens. but since i am to only one saying it's a bad idea everyone will look at the last character i have and wait for me to do as i said would happen. can garantee i wont be the one to do it. one character of mine was killed because he wasn't understood. i don't feel like bringing in another because you ppl don't like how my characters are bet let's leave it at that.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: I set up these rules because I get people complaining about overly powerful chars. the point system will help keep limitations on the chars

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: for how long? i don't know why i'm even arguing. you're going to do it anyway.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: I was asking for people to tell me what they thought of the idea, if the majority agree than I will if they don't I won't so please don't assume I will, I value the opinions of the players in this wiki, that is why I asked what you thought

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: as it stands i am the only one with the negative answer toward it. i know how most think. most is enough for this place. because most can make decisions that few can't fight against.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: I am posting a poll and let that decide the poll is under my polls on my home page

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: my opinion wont make the scale waver any.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: If you don't want to vote than you don't have to, I really don't want to argue ok?

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: you do know that your characters (aswell as the warlord) will have to be confined to this system aswell correct?

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: I am well aware of what this will imply, however some of the npcs will be higher levels than some of the pcs. For example: obviously the Warlord will be higher level than allot of the players

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: he too should have a bio like the rest of the characters.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: not much is known about him, there is a secret you may or may not find out about with him, lets just say he isn't exactly one person

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: then i'd say what is known about him should be put into a bio.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: I am still reconstructing several pages, I will get to it

2007-09-06 [Ravendust]: I think that you should respect her decisions in this RP and stop complaining so much... She is the one who created this RP, and there are characters that don't have or need a bio since she creates them for interaction and the such. Please understand things from her view as well as your own.

I've said my piece... thanks for reading...

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: listen i know you don't want to argue but i still don't get this. how is lifting a burnt hand and making it glow to show he is using telekenisis too powerful?

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: your her friend. it's expected for you to take her side. you don't know me. you know nothing of me.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: That wasn't the only problem, he was harassing the other players, please stop arguing. He broke the rules I warned him, and he didn't listen, thus he paid the price

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: ok. i understand ppl thought he was harsh but that was his personality do to his background. if ppl cared to read his bio they would have understood that. but let's leave that where it is. you, the creater of this RP, probably could have come up with a death that was atleast a little more creative than a burnt hand.

2007-09-06 [Ravendust]: Yes, I am her friend, but that doesn't matter here, I don't have to take her side... but really, all you're doing right now is harrassing [Silver Moon] because of rules that you don't like.

Quite frankly I think that you should calm yourself down and see things from her view or just leave the RP and create one to your standards elsewhere.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: it wasn't just a burnt hand, it was a curse and a fast acting one. Now I am done trying top explain this, I am done talking about Obsidian's char. So please stop trying to undermine my authority

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: very well. i'll stop. i'd say a few other things but you will just take it the wrong way. i don't feel like getting banned from this site because ppl don't like the openly opinionated.

2007-09-06 [Ravendust]: It's not that nobody likes someone with an open opinion, it's the simply factor that you're not just sharing your opinion, you're going far enough that I'd call it harrassment. Just calm yourself down about this...

2007-09-06 [Bloody Remnant]: i can't say what i'd like to. you have it in your head allready that it's harrassment. not much i can do now but piss you off if i say what i want. i'll bet this is pissing you off.

2007-09-06 [Silver Moon]: That's enough no more fighting, I am sick of it. and as for the pissing off part you are succeeding in that aspect, does that satisfy you? I will ask you for the final time please and I mean PLEASE STOP!!!!

2007-09-06 [Fearathress]: *Shakes her head.* This argguing is pissing a lot of people off. I would ask if you had problems you would message Silver not bring it on this wiki page.. that is what the chat is for.. but anyway.. -Hugs Silver- You need a hug, hun.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Daniel, you're preaching open mindedness?

(to see what I'm getting at go to Lord Obsidian)

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: profile or wiki?

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Wiki, if I meant profile it would have said [Tristin Blade].

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: good point.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: what about the wiki?

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: I think he's commenting on your views about open mindedness. And by the way, the ratio is 2:3 against changing it, you may have your wish.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Ci, what he said.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: I forgot to mention, the reason why Ryu's powers seem to evolving rather quickly is because his powers are the same as the Ryu from my story. And as I add to story Ryu's powers I tend to carry that over to any other Ryu I use.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: but since i was the only one that spoke of the problem with it i will be the one watched to see if i cause it. bad enough they allready don't like me.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Well maybe if you weren't so...conflict oriented, then maybe they would like you a bit more.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Or you could stop being a jack ass.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: ...Shut it Kuzima.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: What? I speak naught but the truth.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: they don't like that my characters don't use magic like everyone else except for a couple others. they don't like the idea od my "kinetic energy".

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Dude...I don't think that's why.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: It's cause you're a jack ass.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: KUZIMA! Shut it.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: What?

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: my kinetic energy exceeds where their magic is limited.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Kinetic energy(you've describe it as telekinesis) is limited by the mental power of the user.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: the game Advent Rising is a good example of what it is. that's where i got the idea for that instead of the over used magic.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: [Bloody Remnant] It's understandable that you are frustrated because nobody seems to 'get' the idea that kinetic energy is not the same as 'over used magic' but nonetheless, it applies to the same rules. You should not assume that because it is a different ability altogether that you should therefore stick out above the rest.

I've asked three different people (to be fair so don't complain) and they've all said the same thing- no it isn't technically considered to be magic, but nonetheless, it is subject to the same rules as magic.

[Kuzima Shirigoshi] we're trying to solve a problem, not make it into an even bigger mess... if you're going to comment, at least give it a real point and not something crude like that.

Please nobody take offense to me, I am seriously just trying to stop this argument because [Silver Moon] is my friend and I'd rather her not come back to hell...

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Kuzima does have a bit of a point, he was just saying what I said, but a bit blunter.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i want to know why you think it doesn't apply to the rules because just because it isn't magic, you still have weaknesses and overusing it will weaken you all the same and thus, it applies to the same rules as magic

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Everything puts a strain on a persons energy. Getting up, walking around, just general living, causes a drop in energy. Now when using something that exceeds a normal persons ability, don't you think it would drain you more than just regular living?

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: I realize that Kuzima had a point, but you can't just say stuff so bluntly sometimes... it tends to offend people and a molehill becomes a mountain... ><;;

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: exactly ecpecially skills such as kinetic energy they tend to take more energy than magic itself because you are the only one they draw from not the elements as well like magic.

2007-09-08 [The Gray Wolf]: Well, that's Kuzima for ya. He reminds a bit of Soren from PoR...

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: heheh... I can be pretty blunt myself when I want to... ><;; though it doesn't always get you the happy ending XD

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: yeah your characters show your "blunt" side too lol XD

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Soren's half Laguz.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Whoo whooo, my goal in life is accomplished.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: heheh

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol and that would be??

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: To be just like my hero, Soren.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: kinetic energy is different for this reason. it is like a muscle. since it is something that is allready in your ability you can tap into it when ever. the more you use it you become more skilled with it and it takes less energy to use when you use it enough. with magic you use a specific amount of energy on every spell. the same amount no matter how many times you use that spell. it doesn't get easier or take less energy over time. that is how my "kinetic energy" excells where you magic ends.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: make sense now? if it still doesn't then there's no hope for you to understand. i can't make it anymore simple for you than that.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: *shakes head* That's what you believe, in the end, kinetic energy and magic are the same thing... It's been explained multiple times. Magic is not always a learned ability, it is something that is already there as well and easily tapped into the same way. By using it, it also takes less energy. I do not understand why you don't seem to see this.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: make sense now? Probably does, but apparently you don't plan on stopping or acknowledging that fact until you get your way like a spoiled child.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: why must everyone be so blind? you obviously didn't get it. i can't make it any simpler than i just did.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: actually that doesnt make any sense yes you do use the same amount of energy but eve nif you compare it to a muscle what happenes when you try to lift something that is just too heavy it won't move same with kinetic energy if isnt endless and it does tire and it doesn't use less energy the more you use it yes you get skilled but that doesnt make it use less energy you just learn your limits not use less energy...

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: Blind? Look, don't act like you're some sort of 'superior being' because you're the one that's being blind. Don't talk about making something simple when I've done all I could to simplify it for you and to keep from snapping at you.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: what is the point of all this it really is pointless if you don't like the rules of the rp just leave it then fighting does nothing it doesn't make you any better it just shows your ignorance

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: ^ I already mentioned that [Dezmond] a few pages ago...

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: oops lol i didnt see it sry lol but if he is still fighting maybe he needs to hear it again ^^

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: when you strengthen a muscle it becomes easier to use it. there is less strain on the muscle when it is used to lift something. same rule ablies for the kinetic energy my characters use.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: you know you can really bring out the worst in some people it is hard as hell to make me mad but you are doin it fairly quickly with your ignorance

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i have a character on here that uses kinetic energy as well do you even know what kinetic means??

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: i'm fighting you on this because i still think you don't get it. i feel you don't understand the unique abiliy my characters use. and what pisses me off the most about this is you don't question [Xeroh Kanoe]'s alchemy. that isn't magic. why is that different from kinetic energy? neither are magic.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: its not what you use its how you use it damnit and alchemy has nothing to do with your power it is binding the elements around you

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: quit trying to expand the issue dammit, I don't question it because I've seen the show and personally know how it works. This issue is something you yourself brought up, and there's no need to drag other characters into it.

Magic works in the same way, why will you not understand this? Is it really that difficult? You can't exactly compare kinetic energy to a muscle since it is completely different either. Sure, a muscle gets stronger over time, but that isn't what this conversation is about.

Kinetic energy and Magic are indeed different, but at the same time they are the SAME.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: i know that the ability my characters use isn't actually kinetic energy. since telekinetic power is lifting things with your mind i fingured why not call the energy my character can shoot be called "kinetic" too. is there a problem with me calling it that?

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: apple and oranges.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: no i was just curious because you keep referring to that and i have a character that is like that as well but do you see anyone questioning my abilities you are simply not following the rp rules everyone even the "all mighty you" will get weak using there powers they do use energy nomatter how much you use them period and that does tire you now if you dont like the rules here like i and probably most of the other people here as well have said LEAVE

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: what about apples and oranges?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: he is referring to atleast i think magic and telekinesis

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: I'm asking to be sure.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: comparing the abilities my characters use to your magic is like comparing apples and oranges. they are totally different.

and i do let the abilities my characters use tire them. you ppl simply don't like how i use them. i think through the efects it has. i know what it can do. you ppl just don't think it can and get my characters killed because you fail to try to understand it.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: no one is failing to understand anything but you here you are letting your ignorance blind you and that is what everyone else her is saying simply put

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: you fail to see what i've been trying to explain to you.

2007-09-08 [Lirerial]: thats because you're not really explaining anything...I've read through all of this..,.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: You seem to forget that despite the fact that apples and oranges are different, they are also the same. That was a very foolish analogy to try and get past me. Their taste and basic composition may be total opposites, but they are connected by their genre and their creation.

Seriously, if you've decided you are done being civil, then I'm taking down the walls.

1- stop saying 'you people' like we all do that.

2- stop sniveling like a fucking child trying to get your way, because it's not fucking happening.

You've done nothing but instigate here, and I've finally decided that I've had enough of it. I've got four words for you- GROW THE FUCK UP! This isn't pre-school, we don't all have to be nice and share our damn crayons and sing songs and nap together, this is life (even if it is online) and things don't always go your way.

DEAL WITH IT! [Silver Moon] herself is irritated by a lot of the things that you have said and done, and I'm getting sick of it myself. That comment you made a few pages back:

2007-09-06 Bloody Remnant: i can't say what i'd like to. you have it in your head allready that it's harrassment. not much i can do now but piss you off if i say what i want. i'll bet this is pissing you off.

you're damn right that pissed me off! Are you fucking crazy? What the hell is your problem, and why the fuck do you think the world must revolve around you?



Personally, at this moment, I'd like to bludgeon your character to death and imagine that I was in fact killing you. You've done nothing but irritate because you do not seem to know when to quit. STOP BEING SO FUCKING PIG-HEADED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

Seriously, stop saying that we fail to understand what you've been trying to explain, because I get it loud and fucking clear. You think that your character must be absolutely special, and that everyone must be after you because he is so special. But you know what- that's not it. You are the one who doesn't understand because you've blinded yourself to everything else that is occurring. You want me to help with that? Come on over here and I'll fucking gouge your eyes out with what I've got on hand right here.

Stop being so fucking irritating. Stop thinking that you're the only one that 'actually understands'. Stop trying to prove wrong what is true. STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE!

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: ooh well said raven ^^ i'd still been trying to be nice with it lol

2007-09-08 [Lirerial]: Yea Raven...some very choice words in there^^

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: That's not going to work, I've tried just about every tactic there is but for some reason the kid still seems to think I'm both [Xeroh Kanoe] and [The Gray Wolf] even though I've showed him proof that I'm not and he hasn't shown me anything contrary to that. (just saying that as an example of his pig-pigheadedness)

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: I've been trying to be civil up until this point, but seriously now...

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Don't worry about it, he had the same problem over at Shadows Domain and his own wiki.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i wish silver moon would just get on and this would be over with right quick she should just make him leave if he is not going to be reasonable and respect the other players

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: Yes, but you see [Dezmond], [Silver Moon] cannot ban a member if he has not technically broken any rules, so it would either have to be by his own volition, or he'd have to break a rule *shrug*

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: rule number one be open to others feelings and ideas ^^

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Awww, you beat me to it.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol and it says that if you break that rule you will be immediately banished from the rp lol^^ i did research before i said that lol

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: yeah, I guess that would be the smart thing to do^^;;

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: i don't really need to say anything on my own to counterthis. you said it for me.

stop sniveling like a fucking child trying to get your way, because it's not fucking happening.

FYI: you say i'm blind so you want to gouge out my eyes? where is the logic in that?

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: Plus one of the rules to elftown is don't be an asshole.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: noone here is sniveling but you here you are acting like a fucking two year old you got told off get over it and move on with your pathetic little life if you have ever been in an rp before you should have realized this and not you should listen to the other characters why are you fighting so fucking much about this because it isnt worth anything to you but aggrivating all the other characters off and like raven said GET A FUCKING LIFE!! AND STOP ACTING LIKE AN ARROGANT EGOTISTICAL FUCKING ASSHOLE ^^

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: 05:03:26 Dezmond: rule number one be open to others feelings and ideas ^^
you're all banned.

2007-09-08 [Kuzima Shirigoshi]: They are, but you're not. They've tried to be nice, you haven't. All you're doing is getting them pissed off.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: noone was doing anything but trying to get your happy ass in strait so you didnt getkicked out to begin with it is what you do its called fucking COURTESY AND OBLIVIOUSLY YOU HAVE NONE YOU FUCKING ASS

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: 05:07:26 Kuzima Shirigoshi: Plus one of the rules to elftown is don't be an asshole.
strike two.


2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: First things first, come up with your own retaliatory responses, copying others just makes you look more like an ass, especially when you use them wrong. Seconed, no ones trying to get you to change your ways, they're just trying to keep you getting from banned, but your not helping yourself any. Here's another rule for you, NOTE: Do not make your character god-like. It must have weaknesses and they must be reasonable. Having your character have limitless energy is definable as god-like. Alchemy does have limits, if you haven't noticed Ryu collapses or is short of breath every time he uses alchemy.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: 05:05:11 Dezmond: lol and it says that if you break that rule you will be immediately banished from the rp lol^^ i did research before i said that lol

strike three.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: ooh, wrong move there. Taking my own words to use against me? *Scoffs*

For one- I have not done a single ounce of sniveling. I've been courteous and very explanatory in each of my comments to you.

But you know what? That's it, I refuse to hold back even a moment longer.

Are you really such an idiot that you don't know metaphor from actual desire? "blinded yourself to everything else that is occurring." was my metaphor, meaning that you've mentally blinded yourself to what needs to be seen, the gouging eyes out comment? Oh, that's just pure desire on my part. I'd like to fry them in oil and feed them back to you, whether willingly or not.

And the 'you're all banned' comment? We've been quite open to listening to you and such, but you've done nothing but whine and bitch. Don't fucking tell us how we are all banned from this RP when you're the one that caused this entire fit to take place because you've got to snivel like an infant.

Tell you what, go let your mommy wipe your little nose and get the fuck lost, understand? I can't tell you how pissed off you're making me, and I'm a calm person all the time. You look at everything else I've ever said on this site or the like, and it's been courteous, even if I'm being fucked with.

I am so sick of your bullshit, why don't you just go enjoy a little castration, hm? Oh, need some help with that? I've got quite a few sharp and pointy objects sitting right here with me. Hell, I'll go a few steps further even ;) The price you ask? Pissing me the fuck off.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: ooh this damn guy doesn't know when to quit<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]:


2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: you're all banned then...since the beggining none of you have been open to any of my ideas for my characters. one was even killed because you fuckerds couldn't handle it, plus i'm not being an asshole. you are the ones throwing curse words around at me and saying that because i'm winning here i clearly have no life...simply put-YOU'RE BEING ASSHOLES!!!!

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: ooh i would love to help you with that unfortunately i'm nowhere close to him

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Is no one paying attention to me? 'Cause I put out some very good comments that should have won this thing...

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: its not you everyone has put in comments that should have ended this long ago he just refuses to listen to anyone he just enjoys pissing people off and thats why he wont let it go even though he is wrong and he knows it

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: 'Seconded, no ones trying to get you to change your ways, they're just trying to keep you getting from banned, but your not helping yourself any. Here's another rule for you, NOTE: Do not make your character god-like. It must have weaknesses and they must be reasonable. Having your character have limitless energy is definable as god-like. Alchemy does have limits, if you haven't noticed Ryu collapses or is short of breath every time he uses alchemy.' This one's my favorite. And one of the ones that should have won it.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: You know what BR? Your recent comments aren't even merriting a reply, and you know what else? I'm so far fucking through with you that you don't even merit me calling you by your username, pathetic, aren't you?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: OOH dont get us started on his ass again let him do what the fuck he wants until silver moon gets back then we will be through with is sorry ass ^^

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Just call him a butt pirate. (^^" Sorry, just had to throw that in there.)

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol<img:44166_1164469642.gif>

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: It's fervently opposed to gays. Just look at the last paragraph of Lord Obsidian

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: i don't care what you choose to cal me. you still being forced to eknowledge me by talking to me. quite frankly i'm done trying to explain that which is oppearantly beyond your comprihension. there is nothing wrong with my characters. they are simply cautious and don't like ppl. that is why they are cautios. the can be killed just as any one of your characters. i just use their abilities to their fullest.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Before you start insulting others intelligence maybe you should learn to spell. No one said they didn't like your character as a person, he just needs a weakness.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: and doing that there for makes it GOD MODEING

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: by that comment cody you make it sound like you support them.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: You're just now realizing I support them? They're not trying to hurt you, they're just trying to keep you from getting banned.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: why are you still talking noone give a flying fuck what the fuck you say fuck fuck fuck YOU EAT SHIT AND DIE fuck fuck fuck<img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: ...^^' Geez Dezmond.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: lol oops i get a bit crazy when i'm pissed lol

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: Dammit [Dezmond] took my comment about the spelling.

Seriously though, don't say we don't understand or don't have a comprehension of what you're talking about. You're done trying to explain? Well, good, that means that I can stop trying to figure out how to quite simply tell you that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about to begin with.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: apearantly you do if you'll be so kind as to let me leave without having to pwn you with your own words, i'll be on my way.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: heh was my spelling wrong on that lol?

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Do you even know the origins of the word pwn?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: like i said before eat shit and die mother fucker <img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:10246_1112482186.jpg>

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Mozila Fire Fox has a spell check. That's how my gramr is so prfect.

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: 'pwn'? *snorts* yeah, because you can totally 'pwn' everyone here. Go ahead and give it a shot, I dare you.

2007-09-08 [Xeroh Kanoe]: Did you know it's not short for 'owned' like every one thinks, but comes from the word pawned, in chess if you checkmate an opponent with a pawn, it's called a pawned.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i have no idea why people would think that anyway because thw word owned doesnt even pave a p in it lol its common sense if he bothered to USE IT

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: now he is fucking with ravendust on her own messenger <img:10246_1112482186.jpg><img:2706_1128818519.gif>ooh this is going to be fun lol i havent said half the stuff i wanted to either i just wasnt gonna use it on here lol

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Ryu Kiris. If you want to sit here on an RP and try to correct something then try this. he verb to pwn (past tense: pwned, pwnd, pwn'd, pwnt, pooned) as used by the Internet gaming subculture, means to beat or dominate an opponent. While it probably originated as a typing error of the word own, it is now used intentionally by many members of the subculture. The term has become so ubiquitous in Internet circles that it is often used outside of gaming contexts; for example, "He just got pwned in that debate" or "The hunters pwned that bear." Thank you and have a nice day sir. And any time you wanna debate something with someone, Hit me up some time. Ask anyone that knows me, I don't lose easily.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: that is thw wrong person dude he is helpin us its bloody remnats that is fucking with everyone ^^;;

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: listen cheif, she's the one who messeged me.

there is a flaw in your argument, now kindly shut the fuck up.^_^

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: fuck you you narsisistic arrogant egotistical ignorant illiterate pompas fucking mother fucker like i have said many times you fucking ignorant ass hole EAT SHIT AND DIE

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Oops. My bad. rofl. Sorry, I've worked all night and am a wee bit tired. and to Bloody Remnant, Do me a favor, next time you want to insult someone then please go into WordPad or some shit like that, Type your "insult" and then politely use the Spell Check located at the top of the toolbar. That way I can actually read and possibly comprehend your stupidity.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: its fine man lol and i'm sure that he is fine now that you have apologized lol

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: And btw, You still haven't answered the question. What all did Mom and Dad talk to him about? roflmao. Send it to me in a message. And are you going to be able to pick me up next Wends if I'm able to come over?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: yeah i can get you and i will tell you in a sec lol

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: wow...

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: oh fuckin yeah lol

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: just be glad it aint you that everyone is bitchin at lol

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: nah, i mean wow at you be honest i lol'd a lot at your arguments against one another:P

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: i haven't done anything, why would i be bitched at?oO lawlz, my character doesn't even have powersXD

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: no i know that i was just pickin lol noone has anything against you lol don't worry lol sorry to scare you though

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Rofl. I don't have arguments. I have statements. My statements are facts, and arguments are made of opinions. So therefor, it's just a small debate. =)

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: and its all against that one guy [Bloody Remnant]

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Just ask Dezmond, you can't win a debate with me. He's tried before and we just kept going on and on for about an hour if not more. roflmao. Shit is still hilarious as fuck.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i have too lol i'm the only damn one and it did take hours but i did lol

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: When did you win a debate against me? and about what?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: well when we actually debated in merit lol for one two at the house about..well damn i can't think of the other one but it wasn't that long ago lol

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: this is still pretty funny, now, from a person who is not picking sides (not my "style", don't worry, i'm not looking at this all from one side just because i'm BR's friend either) a lot of things said against him can be used against you, for instance: the "stop sniveling" comments, the comments about being open to others' feelings and ideas. seriously, you guys are being pretty bad about this, he hasn't tromped any of your ideas nor has he hurt any of your feelings, while you are all teaming against him and piggy-backing off one another's comments and telling him he has no life etc.etc... yes, he pissed you off, but he remained calm through the whole thing from what i saw, while you all flew off your hinges and started with the "i'mma castrate you!" and "ooh, lemme help!" stuff. i realize his character does seem hard to beat or in your own words "god-like" but it just requires strategy, he appears where things are going on and yeah, he acts like everyone is after him, but that's just his character. this whole conflict could have been avoided with a little understanding, so now would both sides be so kind as to explain their arguments (NICELY!and thoroughly) and also their reasoning, how bout it, eh?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: why i tried being resonable before i spent wasted hours trying to be reasonable with him and so has everyone else did you look at the last 200 comments thing you should see what the problem was and i tried being that i'm through playing his little games all he is trying to do is piss us off period everyoen here gets that and thats why they stopped posting to him...just point blank

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: try one more time, come on, sweet mother of jeebus hasn't anyone here ever heard of the term "compromise"?
work something out...

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: been there too^^

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: also, maybe you should ask him a question or two rather than making assumptions and telling him to eat shit...cause that's kinda nasty:P

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: eh i tried being nice with it like i said before i told everyone that this was pointless and if he can't hang with the rules to just leave and after about and hour of everyone arguing wit hhim we snapped ^^

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: First off, I see no one "piggy-backing" off of anything. Although I could use one right now.. I need a cigarette but I'm too lazy to go outside.. Raven, Carry me? rofl. Second off, No character should even appear to be "god-like". Third off, No one has told him he has no life, but if you want, I will kindly say it myself. Fourth off, I'm an asshole. If someone here doesn't like it, Do not fucking read my posts. That simple. Fifth off, I have kept my cool since I have been here. Sixth off, It only takes a small bit of common sense to see that his character reflects his real self. The fact that he is paranoid of his surroundings and is always thinking that someone is out to get him. Therefore he creates a character on an RP and wants to appear "God-Like" to make up for his own weaknesses in his real life. It's basic Psychology, you just have to keep your eyes open and learn to interpret people. Seventh off, He has been messing with Raven, and I'm pretty sure that she is or has gotten annoyed from his idiotic rants. And Last but not least, Eighth off, I honestly don't give a fuck. =) Thank you and have a nice day.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: actually i did tell him he had no life lol after over an hour of this ^^;;

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Yea.. Well I can't handle over 200 comments of idiotic ranting. =/ Sorry. rofl.

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: don't play psycho anylist with me. it wont work. you already have a idea of me based on the influences of your friends here. anything you say is therfore not accurate.

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: actually he read your posts and comments to make that annalyzation ^^

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: you figure that out yourself or did someone tell you?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: actually he is my best fucking friend and i sent him all the comments^^ now you do your fucking research before you go off all half fucking cocked

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: -_- oh my really make no since at all, keep your eyes open you say? telling someone to get a life, no different than saying they have no life. piggy-backing, yes when someone comes in and says "oh good point" and then makes a "statement" based off of that which he/she has just complimented, there are a few terms for it but ah well. and quite frankly, you have no place to be speaking down upon someone like that, so he makes an rp character that you don't like, doesn't mean he is a bad person or anything like that, he just likes giving people a hard time...and i honestly see no way that you could speak of a person like that without meeting them even once in your life before saying that. you're obviously lying when you say you don't give a fuck, because if you don't then why would you even come on and start flaunting the fact that you think you have awesome arguing skiddles?oO

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: this whole thing is pretty funny and pointless, and you've also said things that can't even be used against him which he was "kind" enough not to use against you."if you don't like it then you can leave" he isn't the one complaining about things here, bloody remnant, just go get yourself in an easy to find area and let everyone stop what they're doing and come annihilate him, everyone is happy then, and after they're done with all that i'll come over and help you make a new character that no one will have a problem with...after all, look at mine, closest i have to a power is that damned sword in my bootXD

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: he was talking about that to you and you actually dont have to meet someone to make a psycological annalyzation (prolly not spelled right tired as hell) but all you have to do is talk to them and it doesn't even have to be in person you can do that from writings and that is all a post on an rp is is a personalized writing

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i was saying by if he don't like it as the rules his character is god modeing and that is speciffically against the rules and if he doesn't like them to leave if he don't want to follow them

2007-09-08 [Ravendust]: [Night Prowler] it is very understandable that you'd stick up for him because he is your friend and all...

You know, I was as civil as I could be for as long as I could be, I don't generally (I'm being very honest here) get angry like that, but he had it coming. Back in the beginning he was harrassing [Silver Moon] and though that stopped for a very short while, this whole thing had to start back up again. And you know what? The 'sniveling like a child' comment? It's very true. He's done nothing but whine and complain that 'nobody understands' when A- he could have actually explained something more than 'kinetics is not magic'... and he's done nothing but complain about the fact that 'his characters are always targeted because they're different and not understood.' It was explained many comments ago why some of the things have happened by [Silver Moon], the owner of this wiki.

Yes, I snapped, yes it was probably quite uncalled for, but you know what? I really don't care, because it needed to happen. For the longest time I was as kind and courteous as I could be, and if you'd actually go back and read the start of all this, then maybe you wouldn't be making a pointless argument.

By the way, please stop repeating his comments, seriously, it gets excessively irritating^^

Thank you and good night.

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: Ok. First off, I don't play "Psycho Analysis." Sorry kid. And second off, this is to Night Prowler. I am keeping my eyes open. I never said that he was a bad person, now did I? If I did then please copy and paste the URL into a comment box and post it. I would love to see those editing skills. I have never said I have awesome arguing "skiddles" as you say. As I have said before, I don't argue, I simply state the facts and come to an honest conclusion. I have yet to say anything here about him that is wrong, now have I?

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: not necisarrily...after all, while online a 40+ year-old can find a 18- year-old in just a matter of knowing where to look and how to act, what to say and do, the Internet is no place to try and form a psychological analyzation of a person, here's to ya for trying though^^

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: and this may be like you say "piggy backing" but oh thank god someone said it i'm just too lazy to type all of that at once

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: you can tell there personality by what they say in any writing poems novels anything because it reflect directly in the writer. but here's to you to for an actually decent argument

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: You're right, The internet is not a place to "try" and for m a psychological analyzation of a human being. That's what the therapists are for, which undoubtedly both of you need to go and talk to. And no one said anything about a 40 yr old finding an 18 yr old. And you literally have to do nothing but create a MySpace account. And by the way, you can tell what a person is like by reading what they type, and analyzing it along with the way they react to a statement. But hey, There's to you for trying to make me look like an idiot. Thought it would work didn't you?

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: alright alright, rather than me getting this shit started again, how about we just go with my "Destroy his character and let him start anew" idea, eh?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: i don't really care if he destroys his character i am a telekinetic on here and noone is fucking with me because of that its the way he used his character and that is thw whole fucking problem

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: you know nothing of. your conclusions of me are influenced by your friends. none of it can be accurate for that reason. yes i did repeat myself. i had to because it appears that you didn't get it the first time it was said.

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: I'm not in the RP, I just simply had to come and sit a couple of idiots straight. And thank you for backing down. It was a smart decision made on your part. Although, you could have just simple said that I was right, but I could see how that would annoy you and your friend.

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: i wasn't trying to make any one look like an idiot-_- it's quite difficult to reason with people when they look at a comment as an attempt to insult. and your therapist idea isn't that bad, i mean after all, for me you have a doctor on your side so +1 for you buuuuuuuuuuddy

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: why are you still at this damnit noone is talking to you they are talking to your little friend here now as am i

2007-09-08 [Bloody Remnant]: so what you are saying is that the problem is because i use my character's abilities to there fullest instead of their lowest? is that it?

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: the fullestto any character on here is god modeing because the fullest is invincible

2007-09-08 [Dakear]: As I stated before, I've studied both Psychology and Sociology. So I need no doctor on my side. Thanks though.

2007-09-08 [Night Prowler]: you're welcome

2007-09-08 [Dezmond]: ok scott this is gettin way out of hand now so just let him go on his little power play and get dealt with by the owner when she returns

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